Our last couple posts have been about food…and we don't want it to seem like that's all we do. (it is) I thought I would change it up and catch you up to speed on some of the fun things we did lately.
Well we went to San Diego and…ate. (damnit) I mean we had a vacation. There may be a detailed post about this in the future depending on how
It was my first time attending a Cubs game and going to Wrigley.
It was a pretty cool experience but the weather kind of sucked and well the Cubs were losing big time. We ended up leaving after a few innings. If the weather was nicer I probably would've stayed for the whole thing. They make a mean veggie burger there and I got a sweet jacket to keep me warm.
Afterwards, we went to Aw Yeah Comics in Skokie for Free Comic Book Day which you can read more about here.
We headed to Nicole's parent's house where she did her laundry and we watched Thor and Iron Man 2 to get us prepped for the amazing movie that is The Avengers.
A review for that is sure to follow!