Our Jarney

We've decided to change the BCWW Report section to Our Journey...or shall we say JARney because we kind of stopped posting videos of us yapping.  Also, the videos we did post on here via Facebook were set to friends only anyway.

So we like to talk about the places we've been via our normal blog posts but this page is dedicated to the how we keep the memories of the trips we've been on.  We do something a little more unique. We "capture" our memories of vacations or unique trips with a jar, hence Our Jarney. The idea first started when Nicole gave me an empty jar for my 25th birthday.  She told me of the idea about taking bits and pieces of the places we go and visit as own personal keepsake.  A fabulous alternative to the traditional state key chain or mouse ears.  These jars are much more personal and they sum up our experiences so well...think of it [in geek speak]...as our own Pensieve, like in Harry Potter.

+5 for points for wicked awesome movie reference

Soooo anyway from time to time we will be posting these various jars and listing all the places that we've been.  It'll be a nice way to build the page and scroll down to see all our vacation hot spots and trips that have meant so much to us.

Jar 1: Superman Festival - Metropolis, IL - June 12th 2009

Justin:  This was the first jar we ever did.  It was on my 25th
birthday and  Nicole surprised me with this as a gift.  She told
me she wanted to collect dirt, sand , gravel, anything from
where we have been together.  I thought it was the sweetest
idea and she let me put a Superman button in there as part
of the keepsake.  The woodchips are from just outside the
festival and Metropolis Welcome sign.  It was pretty rad,
I'm pretty sure Nicole took several pictures of me trying
to fly along side Big Blue.

Yup, I'm a dork.