Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ringin' in a Fresh and Fly New Year!

Nicole: I know it's a week late but, Happy New Year! ( put it in some fun color or something)
We've been away from the blog for a bit with the whirlwind that is the holidays, but hopefully we will get this back up and going! 
New Year's was great for me, it was my first more low key evening with not really going out to celebrate and I have to say, I enjoyed it.  I don't know if it's just me getting older or what, but I don't mind not going all crazy for NYE, I just want to have a good time and be with people I like, and that is exactly what I did.
I started off the evening meeting up with some of my oldest and best high school friends.  We went out for tapas and sangria downtown at Cafe Iberico and everything was wonderful!

After that I headed over to Justin's place for some Cas family time.  There was lots more food, music, dancing, and games.  It was a fun and hilarious night and crawling into bed at 5:30am, it was a great start to 2011.  Here's to hoping the fun and hilariousness continues!

Justin:  Happy New Year all!  New Year's Eve was pretty awesome-tastic.   Which is a good thing coming from me because I am not fond of the holidays.  I've been like that for awhile and I'm trying to change my feelings towards them and starting the 2011 with good times and family is a nice way in doing that.

While Nicole was out and aboot with her friends I was at home spending time with my family playing video games, board games, and eating.

We all watched the countdown, hugged and kissed, and stayed up til 5 in the morning.  It was awesome.

Happy New Year from So Fresh and So Fly!

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